Applied Roller Technology (ART): Spreader/Bowed Rolls, New and Rebuilds of Rolls
BEST H2O: Screw-Press Specialists, Rebuild Screws etc. “In-Place”. Precision Machining…..
Cellwood Machinery: Hot Dispersion Systems and Pulpers and Pulper Rebuilds
Custom Threading: Rope and Air Threading equipment and services, rope sheaves etc…
CVN/Vooner: Showers, Uhle Boxes, Vacuum Pumps & Separators
Du-Mor Blade: Coater Blades, Creping Blades & Doctor Blades
ECS (Event Capture Systems) Camera and lighting systems
Fulton Systems: Steam and Condensate Systems
LDX Solutions (Lundberg): Pulp Mill Engineering & Equipment Supply
ProJet B.V.: Professional high pressure water jet technology
Simeoni S.R.L.: Water Treatment Equipment, DAFs & Fiber Recovery
Showers for: Paper Machine Fabrics and Rolls, Cleaning, Lubrication and Trimming etc…..
SOS (Shower Oscillator Services) Shower Oscillator rebuild services
Spray Tech: all styles of shower nozzles: jet, fan, ruby & sapphire insert nozzles